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Effortless digital solutions for construction 


Know your real costs, maximize your profits
Manage maintenance, service, and repairs with ease. 
Increase productivity and extend the lifespan of your machinery and equipment - easily from your phone or tablet. 

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Used by professionals

Stangeland Logo Scale Rental Logo Scale bg_logo_transparent-scale TT Anlegg Logo scale Boreal Logo scale Logo_NorskGjenvinningMetall scale Nordby-Maskin-logo- scale kjell_foss_logo_horizontal_640px copy basum-boring-logo ringerike_kommune_logo copy

Maintenance Management 

Icon=Teknisk vedlikehold, Size=Small, Light=True Barde Felt

Maximize up time with construction machinery and equipment you can trust.

Barde Felt is tailored specifically for construction contractors' management, operation, and maintenance of machinery, vehicles, and equipment.

Used by many of Norway's leading construction contractors since 2015. 


Increase up time and profitability 

App made for machine operators and drivers

Planing tools for the workshop

Complete history of repairs, maintenance, and service

Integration capabilities (finance, telematics, etc.)


Apple App Store CTA Google Play CTA




Barde delivers digital solutions developed in collaboration with the construction industry, tailored for construction contractors in Norway and the Nordic region - and soon internationally.

Icon=Teknisk vedlikehold, Size=Small, Light=True Maintenance Management and Service


Documented maintenance for better insight, control, and longer lifespan of your machine fleet.

Barde consolidates all machine data into one system. By integrating data across all functions in the company, we ensure a seamless flow of information that provides complete control and a reliable foundation for making smarter decisions.


Efficient tools for the workshop

Complete maintenance and service history 

Effortless prioritization of critical work orders and service


Icon=Transport planlegging, Size=Small, Light=True Transportplan

For mange maskinentreprenører er effektive transport- og logistikkoperasjoner kjernen i virksomheten. 

Få bedre kontroll og oversikt med et moderne planleggingsverktøy. 

Effektiv koordinering og planlegging av massetransport

Oversikt over kjøretøy og oppdrag

Enkel bestilling av masse inn eller ut av prosjekt


Icon=Transport planlegging, Size=Small, Light=True Transportplan


For mange maskinentreprenører er effektive transport- og logistikkoperasjoner kjernen i virksomheten. 

Få bedre kontroll og oversikt med et moderne planleggingsverktøy. 

Effektiv koordinering og planlegging av massetransport

Oversikt over kjøretøy og oppdrag

Enkel bestilling av masse inn eller ut av prosjekt

Icon=Maskin planlegging, Size=Small, Light=True Machine and Asset Planner


Increase utilization rate of construction machinery and equipment with ease.

An efficient solution where project needs for machines and equipment are allocated continuously and in real time.


Reduces the need for planning meetings

Everyone has access to the latest version of the plan 

Effortless machine booking system 

Bilde4 rev

Icon=HMS, Kvalitet, Size=Small, Light=True HSE / Quality Management 


Organized follow-up of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 strengthens productivity, HSE, and quality on site.

Less paperwork and effortless HSE and quality monitoring frees up time to get the job done. 


Build digital forms and procedures according to requirements 

Effortless completion of forms, SJA (Safe Job Analysis) and safety inspections on site

Logging and version control 

Bilde2 rev

Want to know more?


Contact us for a demonstration of Barde's platform today.