About Barde
Accelerating the world's transition to sustainable construction
We deliver a digital platform that makes daily operations simpler and safer for those who build tomorrow's society.
Sustainability is a competitive advantage
With expertise in user experience, software, and operational management, our digital platform is developed in close collaboration with several of Norway's leading construction contractors.
Our digital tools make it easier to keep your machine fleet operational while meeting future requirements for environmental performance, delivery and profitability.
Bærekraft er konkurransekraft
Med faglig tyngde innen brukeropplevelse, programvare og operativ drift, er våre digitale verktøy utviklet i tett samarbeid med flere av landets fremste maskinentreprenører og i partnerskap med Innovasjon Norge og Forskningsrådet.
Våre digitale verktøy gjør det enklere å holde maskinparken i arbeid i møte med framtidens krav til miljø, leveranseevne og lønnsomhet.
Combat climate change with more efficient energy consumption
Our customers have estimated at least 10% less diesel consumption per ton moved when using our platform. The potential for energy efficiency is achieved through better machine and transport planning, reducing idling, and less unnecessary running.
Total machines, vehicles and assets registered in Barde
25 301
Med mer enn 23K maskiner, kjøretøy og utstyr i Barde, skapes det innsikt som gjør den enkelte maskinentreprenøren enda bedre i stand til å ta bærekraftige, trygge og effektive beslutninger for maskin- og utstyrspark, mannskap og samfunn.
With more than 25K machines, vehicles, and assets in Barde, insights are created that make each construction contractor better equipped to make sustainable, safe, and efficient decisions for their machinery and equipment fleet, crew, and society.
A forward thinking company needs ambitious people
Barde is an exciting and dynamic workplace, with an open environment that encourages creativity and participation. Our open and supportive work culture, focused on goals and results, facilitates personal growth and professional development.
Our team is always looking for more ambitious, empathetic, and creative colleagues with strong integrity. If you believe you can help us accelerate the transition to sustainable construction, get in touch!
Want to know more?
Contact us for a demonstration of Barde's platform today.